The Project Habit: Making Rigorous PBL Doable, by Michael McDowell

This book supports teachers in making small shifts in practice to get the same outcomes we see in traditional problem and project-based learning.
— Michael McDowell

This course is designed for educators and instructional leaders interested in enhancing their understanding and implementation of Project- and Problem-Based Learning (PBL). Grounded in the principles outlined in Michael McDowell's book, The Project Habit: Making Rigorous PBL Doable, participants will explore strategies for designing, implementing, and assessing high-quality PBL experiences in their classrooms and schools. Participants will engage in a deep dive into the key concepts of PBL, including the essential elements of a successful project, the role of inquiry and authentic tasks, and strategies for managing and assessing PBL projects effectively.

Through weekly readings, discussions, and assignments, participants will gain practical insights and tools to create engaging and rigorous PBL experiences that promote student learning and achievement. By the end of the course, participants will have developed a comprehensive understanding of PBL principles and best practices, along with a toolkit of resources and strategies to support their implementation of PBL in their own educational settings. Whether you are new to PBL or looking to refine your practice, this course will empower you to make PBL a sustainable and impactful part of your teaching repertoire.

NOTE: Participants will need to secure a copy of Rigorous PBL by Design, by Michael McDowell, prior to the start of the course.

FORMAT: Asynchronous online learning

DATES: 7/6/24 - 7/27/24

FACILITATOR: Colleen Nabozny, Catskill Middle School, ELA Teacher

GCRTC CONTACT: Erica Boms Egdemir, GCRTC Teacher Leadership Coach for the Humanities

FEE: None. Registration is required.




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