Exploring the Modern Classrooms Project

Have you ever wanted to learn more about self-paced learning for your class(es)?

The Modern Classrooms Project takes blended instruction, self-paced learning, and mastery based grading to create a highly engaging learning environment. In this course we will explore how you can plan and then implement your own Modern Classroom. We will plan your Modern Classroom in a coaching style with calls throughout the course.

This course has synchronous and asynchronous portions. The synchronous meetings times and coaching calls will be determined between participants and the instructor throughout the course.

This course is applicable to teachers of all grade levels and subject areas.

FORMAT: Asynchronous online learning, with synchronous online meetings times and coaching calls

DATES: 8/1/24 - 9/6/24; The synchronous meetings times and coaching calls will be determined between participants and the instructor throughout the course.

FACILITATOR: Mauranda Comley, Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake CSD

GCRTC CONTACT: Lindsay Armbruster, GCRTC Teacher Leadership Coach for Health & Physical Education

FEE: None. Registration is required.


REGISTRATION: https://tinyurl.com/42ztjurm


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